martes, mayo 25, 2021

los malditos

ya no estoy tan seguro qué porcentaje de la gente comparte la idea de que escribir es un problema

en estos textos lo doy por sentado

y me parece que estoy equivocado

yo le doy vueltas y vueltas

pienso mucho cada verso

como si debiera capturar la esencia del universo

ha de ser necesariamente así?

porque la alternative es cantar

dejar que fluya

el río de pensamientos

la dicha de estar vivos

algo así

no sé

una cosa que a mí no me sale

y entonces definitivamente me excluye

del selecto grupo

me deja con los filósofos

los estudiosos

los problemáticos

los malditos

me deja en visto

So you want to be a poet

being a poet requires definition

who am I

et cetera

and very soon you've become

the very thing you've sworn to destroy

you're the enemy now

good luck

take care

did you ever have a choice?

of course

the other play

is just castles

castles within castles

imaginary castles til the end

will you pay the price?

not a word

coming out of your mouth?

lunes, mayo 24, 2021

I don't live


I don't live

I just hold the entire energy of the universe in my belly

and never let it out

Such a remarkable stunt is not the same as living

nobody can tell you're alive

or anything about you at all

check my math

to their eyes you may seem miserable

like a loser

and your entire history goes by

and you're approaching death

and finally you die

and everybody at your funeral would say or murmur

"he or she barely lived"

and they would be right

you never lived

you just held the entire universe

the entire history of the great mistery

in your breath